1st Wednesday of Every Month
Kansas School Transportation Meeting/Forum
Kansas School Transportation Directors and School Bus Contractors (via Zoom) is hosted the first Wednesday of every month 9:30am - 10:30am by the School Bus Safety Unit at the Kansas Department of Education.
This is an informal opportunity to ask questions and share information
Please visit the upcoming events section of the KSDE School Bus Safety website for login information
December 19 - Transportation Basics Workshop for Directors/Supervisors
March 12 - Mechanics Workshop (El Dorado)
March 26 - Mechanics Workshop (Dodge City)
April 1 - School Bus Safety Poster Contest closes
April 5 - West Region Safe Driving Competition (Garden City)
April 16 - One Day Illegal Passing Survey
April 26 - Central Region Safe Driving Competition (Derby)
June 4-6 - Kansas School Transportation Safety Conference
Doubletree Hotel, Wichita
June23-26 - School Bus Driver Train-the-Trainer Class